Probes Spare Parts Strain/Pressure Customizing
Software available for OEM customers include the following:
END USER Software Demonstration/Setup Software is available upon request for the HSS-10. The software interface for the HSS-10 is essentially identical to that of the HSI-24. The strain gauge signals may be accessed by using the name S1 through S10 in HSI-24 style channel formulae. These strain gauge signal names can be used in formulae in the same manner as HSI-24 T1 through T24 access LVDT signals. A number of new commands have been added to accommodate the strain gauge inputs. These include the following: Set strain FSV - This allows the scaling of the strain gauge output numbers into convenient engineering units. // INPUT: // int strain - strain gage number 1 to 40 // float *tfsv - pointer to an IEEE single precision floating point number // which will be set as the full scale value // OUTPUT: // returns 0 when command is completed successfully int set_sfsv(int strain, float *tfsv) // INPUT: // int strain - strain gage number 1 to 40 // float *tfsv - pointer to an IEEE single precision floating point variable // into which the full scale value will be stored // OUTPUT: // returns 0 when command is completed successfully int read_sfsv(int strain, float *tfsv) Set strain zero - This allows for setting a zero offset value. This command sets an offset value which is added to the output value of the strain gauge. This offset is in addition to the 'AIN Ratiometric Offset'. The 'AIN Ratiometric Offset' is performed within the strain gauge signal conditioning hardware. // INPUT: // int strain - strain gage number 1 to 40 // float *szero - pointer to an IEEE single precision floating point number // which will be set as the zero value // OUTPUT: // returns 0 when command is completed successfully int set_szero(int strain, float *szero) // INPUT: // int strain - strain gage number 1 to 40 // float *szero - pointer to an IEEE single precision floating point variable // into which the zero value will be stored // OUTPUT: // returns 0 when command is completed successfully int read_szero(int strain, float *szero) Read strain - This command returns the present value of the specified strain gauge as a floating point number. The value is scaled and offset by the FSV and Zero for the specified strain gauge. Note that the value still includes the 'AIN Ratiometric Offset', 'AIN Non-ratiometric Offset', 'VREF Non-ratiometric Offset' and 'Ratiometric Gain' corrections. // INPUT: // int strain - strain gage number 1 to 40 // float *value - pointer to an IEEE single precision floating point variable // into which the value will be stored // OUTPUT: // returns 0 when command is completed successfully int read_strain(int strain, float *value) Read strain direct - Raw unprocessed readings from the strain gauges are returned as long integers. Note that these 'unprocessed' readings include the 'AIN Ratiometric Offset', 'AIN Non-ratiometric Offset', 'VREF Non-ratiometric Offset' and 'Ratiometric Gain' corrections, but do not include the effects of the 'Set strain FSV' and 'Set strain zero' commands. // INPUT: // char *StrainList - pointer to list of one byte numbers which are the // strain gage numbers to be read. Each is a number from 0 to 39. // long **values - pointer to an long integer pointer variable which will be set // to point to the start of the list of long integers which // are the values of the requested strain gages. // OUTPUT: // returns 0 when command is completed successfully int read_strain_direct(char *StrainList, long **values) Calibration/Setup/Maintenance Commands Set Strain Configuration - This command is normally used during system configuration to setup the features of each of the strain gage signal conditioners. Each of the up to 40 signal conditioners may be setup differently without affecting other channels. The Gain and Unipolar settings combine to produce the following useable ranges:
// INPUT: // int strain - strain gage number 1 to 40 // int Freq - select chopping frequency // 0 : No chopping (DC excitation) // 1 : 300Hz // 2 : 600Hz // 3 : 1200Hz // int Gain - select Programmable Gain Amplifier gain setting // 0 : gain = 25 // 1 : gain = 50 // 2 : gain = 100 // 3 : gain = 200 // int Unipolar - select Unipolar/Bipolar mode // 0 : Bipolar mode selected // 1 : Unipolar mode selected // OUTPUT: // returns 0 when command is completed successfully int set_strn_cfg(int strain, int Freq, int Gain, int Unipolar) Perform Non-ratiometric Offset Calibration - This command computes values for the 'VREF Non-ratiometric Offset' and 'AIN Non-ratiometric Offset'. These offset values correct for errors which would be produced by offset voltages induced in the signal conditioner to bridge wiring. When this command is performed the pair of jumper plugs for the strain signal conditioner must be moved to the Zero Excitation position. Once performed the computed offsets can be stored in non-volatile memory which is contained on the HSS-10. (There is a command to do this.) After being stored the offsets will automatically be loaded into the signal conditioner each time the HSS-10 is powered up. Perform Ratiometric Offset Calibration - This command computes a value for the 'AIN Ratiometric Offset'. This offset value corrects the output value to read zero with "zero" weight on the scale platform. Very large offset amounts can be zeroed without loss of resolution. Up to +/- 200 percent of full scale can be trimmed from the input signal. Once performed the computed offsets can be stored in non-volatile memory which is contained on the HSS-10. (There is a command to do this.) After being stored the offsets will automatically be loaded into the signal conditioner each time the HSS-10 is powered up. Perform Gain Calibration - This command computes a value for the 'AIN Gain'. The 'AIN Gain' value corrects the output value to read full scale with the desired full scale weight on the scale platform. Once performed the computed gain can be stored in non-volatile memory which is contained on the HSS-10. (There is a command to do this.) After being stored the gain will automatically be loaded into the signal conditioner each time the HSS-10 is powered up. |
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